Lobbying, Lobbying and only Lobbying for Peace! - This is the message of the mission...
"Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity" is an independent organization established by a group of diplomats, journalists, writers, artists and prominent Albanian and foreign intellectuals.
"Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity" is an independent organization established by a group of diplomats, journalists, writers, artists and prominent Albanian and foreign intellectuals.
Located in Tirana, it operates in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and in many major countries around the world.
This mission also operates in countries where Albanian communities are concentrated, as in Greece, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Switzerland, etc.., and especially in the U.S. as a friendly and powerful country that, for more than a century has taken under protection with its policies and diplomacy the small Albania.
This mission also operates in countries where Albanian communities are concentrated, as in Greece, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Switzerland, etc.., and especially in the U.S. as a friendly and powerful country that, for more than a century has taken under protection with its policies and diplomacy the small Albania.
Peace and Progress! - This is the mission’s motto.
The members of this mission, under the example of saint Mother Teresa, the great Albanian woman, who sacrificed her life in service to humanity, are engaged in the role of a group of ambassadors of peace, willing to represent the Democratic Albania before international opinion as a country with sustainable development, which has peace in its citizens’ genes and which fights for a better world, Balkans and Europe where only God's Paradise dominates. .
It is known that peace is rooted in true love, in love toward God and toward each other ... For this reason the mission is addressed to each citizen of the world by calling: Lobbying, Lobbying and only Lobbying for Peace!...
This is precisely the axis of the message that "Diplomatic Mission" transmits to the public opinion, both inside and outside the country.
Mission members are prominent leaders from many different countries, from all walks of life and from all faiths, who have dedicated themselves to the question of peace in Albania and in the World.
Peace requires us to work to overcome the boundaries of race, religion, nationality and culture, which have historically divided humanity.
So, Peace and Development, Peace and civilization! - Not only in Albania, but everywhere in the Balkans and all over the world.
The mission aims to bring in its ranks prominent personalities of World Politics, Culture, Art, Literature, etc.., especially Diplomacy personalities, with the objective to create a powerful lobby in support of Albania, of our national issue, of pan-Albanian unification and integration and of supporting the peace.
Administration of human values, coordination, consultation, negotiation, mediation and lobbying for Peace and Progress, this is the goal and the essence of this mission’s activity.
This is precisely the axis of the message that "Diplomatic Mission" transmits to the public opinion, both inside and outside the country.
Mission members are prominent leaders from many different countries, from all walks of life and from all faiths, who have dedicated themselves to the question of peace in Albania and in the World.
Peace requires us to work to overcome the boundaries of race, religion, nationality and culture, which have historically divided humanity.
So, Peace and Development, Peace and civilization! - Not only in Albania, but everywhere in the Balkans and all over the world.
The mission aims to bring in its ranks prominent personalities of World Politics, Culture, Art, Literature, etc.., especially Diplomacy personalities, with the objective to create a powerful lobby in support of Albania, of our national issue, of pan-Albanian unification and integration and of supporting the peace.
Administration of human values, coordination, consultation, negotiation, mediation and lobbying for Peace and Progress, this is the goal and the essence of this mission’s activity.
"Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity" through its activity aims to achieve these objectives:
- Re-dimensioning the image of Albania trampled by former Albanian communist dictatorship.
- The mission will play the role of an excellent Ambassador in the eyes of international opinion and foreign diplomacy to exalt Albanian cultural values and Albanian national question.
- It will select, publish and disseminate in Albania, as a sign of gratitude, world personalities’ works in the fields of albanology, diplomacy, culture, politics, etc.., which have contributed and are still contributing to the recognition of Albanian values treasures by world opinion.
- Selection, translation into foreign languages, publication and dissemination of great Albanian works and putting them in service to caring foreigners and our compatriots in the Diaspora, with the aim of expanding the boundaries of knowledge about Albanian people and Albania.
- Realization of television documentaries on life and work of Albanian and foreign personalities who have contributed to the cause.
- Encouragement to pursue a higher education in the country and in the world as well as specialization of young talents and intellectuals in the field of diplomacy and international relations, with the aim of creating new generations that will lobby for continuous improvement of Albanian image.
- Provide technical assistance to new talents and intellectuals so as to be trained as diplomats and as members of the lobby of the future, to neatly assimilate the talent of lobbying through cooperation with professional lobbyists of the Western world and especially with U.S. specialists.
- Employment of talented boys and girls of our community in the Albanian public administration, in Western countries’ administrations and multinational companies, which determine the fate of world politics and economy, especially in foreign diplomatic representations and Albanian diplomatic representation in foreign countries as diplomats and ambassadors of culture.
- Creation of more powerful lobbies with world personalities in support of Albanian democratic developments so that Albania can have a nationwide integrity like all the advanced civilizations.
Lobbying, Lobbying and only Lobbying! ...
- Re-dimensioning the image of Albania trampled by former Albanian communist dictatorship.
- The mission will play the role of an excellent Ambassador in the eyes of international opinion and foreign diplomacy to exalt Albanian cultural values and Albanian national question.
- It will select, publish and disseminate in Albania, as a sign of gratitude, world personalities’ works in the fields of albanology, diplomacy, culture, politics, etc.., which have contributed and are still contributing to the recognition of Albanian values treasures by world opinion.
- Selection, translation into foreign languages, publication and dissemination of great Albanian works and putting them in service to caring foreigners and our compatriots in the Diaspora, with the aim of expanding the boundaries of knowledge about Albanian people and Albania.
- Realization of television documentaries on life and work of Albanian and foreign personalities who have contributed to the cause.
- Encouragement to pursue a higher education in the country and in the world as well as specialization of young talents and intellectuals in the field of diplomacy and international relations, with the aim of creating new generations that will lobby for continuous improvement of Albanian image.
- Provide technical assistance to new talents and intellectuals so as to be trained as diplomats and as members of the lobby of the future, to neatly assimilate the talent of lobbying through cooperation with professional lobbyists of the Western world and especially with U.S. specialists.
- Employment of talented boys and girls of our community in the Albanian public administration, in Western countries’ administrations and multinational companies, which determine the fate of world politics and economy, especially in foreign diplomatic representations and Albanian diplomatic representation in foreign countries as diplomats and ambassadors of culture.
- Creation of more powerful lobbies with world personalities in support of Albanian democratic developments so that Albania can have a nationwide integrity like all the advanced civilizations.
Lobbying, Lobbying and only Lobbying! ...
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